We're sorry to hear you're considering canceling. To request a refund please contact our billing department with the subject Refund request and send us the order ID number, invoice number, or other purchase-related information. Our team will assist you in closing your account and refunding you the balance.
Please note that the PDF Suite software purchased from the official website can be returned for a refund within the first 30 days of your initial purchase.
Have product or installation questions?
If you’re asking for a refund because you’re having trouble installing, activating, or using the product or service you purchased, you might also be considering contacting our support team directly for technical support. Many issues can be cleared up quickly by our dedicated technical support agents.
Please leave us a message here to contact our Customer Support Service.
You can contact us by clicking on Contact us on our main support page.
*You will need to enter your email address. A security code will be sent to you. Enter the code and click on Validate. You will then be able to open a request.
Our friendly support team is available to help.