Step 1 - Open the Forms Tab and select Print Button
- Click on the Forms tab.
- Select Print Button.
Step 2 - Add the button to your PDF
You will see the outline for the Print Button appearing on your document. You can position it wherever you would like.
- Left-click to place it. The print button will now appear.
Step 3 - Changing the size or location of the Print Button
You can change the Print Button's size or location in the Edit Mode.
- Switch into Edit mode.
Changing the print button's size
- Hold down the left mouse button while your cursor is over the border.
- Drag your cursor.
- Release the mouse button and the changes will be made.
Moving the print button
- Hold down the left mouse button while your cursor is over the button.
- Move the outline of the print button to a new place in your document.
- Release the mouse button and the changes will be made.
Step 4 - Modification of the properties of the Print Button
- Select the Edit Mode.
- Right-click on the Print Button.
- Choose Properties.
Step 5 - Configuring the appearance of the Print Button
You can modify the look and feel options in the Appearance Tab.
- Click on the Appearance Tab.
- Choose any option you want.
For more information, click here (we have an article explaining all the properties and how they work).
Setting the properties as default
After changing any options in the Properties, the button MAKE DEFAULT will show up at the bottom of the Appearance Tab.
Step 6 - Test the button
- Switch to View mode.
- Click on the button.
Step 7 - Delete the button
- Switch into Edit mode.
- Right-click on the button.
- Select Remove.