You can update the settings for your link in the properties section.
- Click into Edit Mode.
- Select your link.
- Choose the Properties icon.
In the Appearance section, you can update the look and feel of your link.
You can change the width of the border of your link.
- Click the Line Width.
- Increase the number to make it thicker, you can hide the link entirely by setting it to Hairline.
You can update the style, or pattern of the border. By default, it is a solid line.
- Click the Line Style.
- Choose a new one from the list.
You can update the color of your link. Matching the color of the document background is a great way to hide your link.
- Click the circle next to Color.
- Click on the color you want to use.
You can use Blend Mode to determine how the link interacts with any other layers in your document.
- Open the dropdown list for Blend Mode.
- Choose the option you want to use.
You can save any of these aesthetic changes for future links.
- Click MAKE DEFAULT to use these settings moving forward.
You can reset the default at any time.
- Select any link.
- Open the properties.
In the Events section of the properties tab, you can change the action associated with the link.
- Open the Events section.
- Click on the Change button next to Action.
The Add Action window will open and you can change what happens when a user clicks on your link.
We also have the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) module that allows you to recognize and edit text within any scanned document or image.
If the OCR module is not available for you, you can purchase it here.