renewed PDF suite & confirmation & activation
AnsweredIve recently paid for the renewal of my PDF suite with confirmation that i have paid form U-bill.
However I keep getting a notifcation saying youre missing out on PDF Suite with a green button saying Activate now-I just happened to click on it to see if there was another activation button but it came up with a choice of PDF Suites to buy
I was under the impression that once its been paid it is automatically activated
Ive done an email to them through the contact us screen on the PDF site & put an attachment with a screenshot on it (I dont know whether they will be able to access it though)-
Can someone tell me -is it automatically activated now that Ive paid or do I have to choose one of the suites & pay again as Im worried that it might be going round in circles -paying for it getting this notifcation me clicking on it & then paying for it
Sara joanne brown
Official comment
Hello Sara,
Thank you for checking with us if PDF Suite is automatically activated after the renewal. I will be glad to help you.
As I can see you recently purchased a new license of PDF Suite 20. This is a new version of PDF Suite, so make sure to install the correct version of PDF Suite using the link:
Kindly be informed that in PDF Suite 20 you don’t need any keys because this version has an account-based activation. In order to activate your PDF Suite, follow the instructions below:
1) Launch PDF Suite 20 and click on the Login icon in the right upper corner.
2) Click Sign In and sign in with the email that you used while registering the license.
3) Once you are logged in, click Proceed to PDF Suite or simply switch to PDF Suite window. Your license is now activated!
You can also check this illustrated activation guide for more details:
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
PDF Suite team
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